Monday, May 24, 2010

Linear algebra question?

One of my friends showed me how the following proof is done

Show that L: P_n -%26gt; P_n given by L(p) = p+p' is an isomorphism. First show that L is a linear operator. He said to do it this way:

Suppose p and q are in P_n. Then:

L(p+q) = p+q+(p+q)'

= p+p'+q+q'

= L(p)+L(q)





So L is a linear operator.

Suppose that p is in the kernel of L. Then L(p) = 0. By definition of L, this means that p'=-p. The only element of P_n that would satisfy this equation is 0. This is because the derivative operator always lowers the degree of a polynomial by 1. Since the dimension of the kernel is 0 and P_n is finite dimensional, L is an isomorphism.

Now, I have a question:

What exactly are p and q? Meaning, are they polynomials or vectors?

Linear algebra question?
they are both vectors and polynomial. vectors in the vector space of all polynomials( recall a vector space is a collection of objects satisfying many conditions(i.e. closed under addition scalar multiplication, commutivity of addition . . . .)

For your problem if the above makes no sence, they are polynomials.

Your proof is still incomplete however, you need to sho L is onto. that is given q does there exist a p s.t. L(p)=q. the answer is yes. I'll leave it to you. I suggest written p and q in the from ax^n + bx^n-1 + . . . + c

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