Sunday, August 2, 2009

Can anyone help me in solving this java questions?

1)What is the value of x after evaluating:

x+ =x+++--x+4;

if x=3,before the evaluation?

2)Evaluate the following Java expressions where a,b,c are integers and d,f are floating point numbers.

The value of a=5,b=3 and d=1.5 .

(a)f =a+b/a





3)Illustrate '?' operator.

4)What is the difference between post-increment and pre-increment?If a=4 gives values of ++a and a++.

5)What is the meaning of variable++?

6)What does the following program output to the monitor:

int value=0;

int value=1;



I'll be very thankful to you..

Can anyone help me in solving this java questions?
Pained though I am to complete your homework for you, here are the answers (minus the explanation):

1. 13

2. 5.6, 16.5, 13.5, 11, 3.5 (assuming that you copied questions c and e incorrectly)

3. see

4. 5 and 4. See if you can tell the difference.

5. If you can't answer this, you're in the wrong class

6. It gives a compile-time error.

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